
blog break

It is official.  I have ignored my blog and my Google Reader feed for over a week now and I need to commit to making a decision.

I. Need. A. Break.

I need a break from the computer and the subsequent space-time vortex scenerios I find myself in WAY too often.

March is a busy month around here and I don't want to drop the ball or do anything with less than stellar motivation because I have spent too much time in front of the screen.

I will MISS catching up, reading and commenting about the lives of my T1D families. 

I will MISS loading up on inspiration from my favorite crafty bloggers.

I will MISS the spiritual insights and thoughts of my best JG's.


I will have the time month to live with purpose and apply integrity to my commitments on the calendar.

I will return with a fresh perspective and an abundance of energy in mid-April;

. . . . . . .

until then, peaceful blessings.