
love is . . .

Remember those old 'love is... ' cartoons?

Here is my version:

Yep!  Today our CSA hosted an ice cream social out at their farm for all of the 2011 members.  I was checking my email before heading out the door and I discovered a message sent by Jill, one of the owners.  The email contained detailed nutritional information (including carb counts!) for her homemade ice cream and chocolate zucchini brownies. 

How cool is that?! 

It's people like Jill who remind me of the 'good' in the world.

And, tomorrow, I will share photos and stories from our visit at the farm.


Joanne said...

I love Jill.

We need more Jills in this world.

Please to send Jill to Texas.

Lora said...

I want to hug her!!!!

Tracy said...

I love Jill too. Can we all share her?

And I want some ice cream and chocolate zucchini brownies!

Unknown said...


Praise God for Jills. This world is a better place because of Jills like her :)

Holly said...

How sweet is Jill?? THat's awesome! THey do make the world a better place : )

NikDuck said...

I love Jill too!

Amy@Diapeepees said...

Some people are just so thoughtful...reminds me to be thoughtful, too!

Anonymous said...

Yep, total love!!
How awesome!!!

BlueGate said...

wow. There really are no other words. Just wow.
...and Love is a cool kid who is brave enough to smile and stand next to some crazy farmer with questionable taste in head-wear!

Stephanie said...

Wow!!! That is so awesome and just warms my heart.