
good friday

Happy 'new contacts' Friday!  Well, for me, anyway.  Nothing like placing in a new set to replace the scratchy, cloudy, old pair.  Well . . . . clean sheet day is almost as good as new contact day.  Either way, today is Friday and that means I am about to list 3 moments I was grateful for this past week . . . no T1D talk allowed.

1.  For those of you who don't follow me on facebook, I posted this fine photo yesterday afternoon with the status update of: "yes, yes I did".  I included a link to the Toyota Swagger Wagon commercial so it would make sense as to why I have 'Swagger' as my new license plates.  The plates crack me up and put a little fun in my life.  And, for only $25, I'm a cheap one to please.  If you see me around town, give me a honk and a wave to let me know you llllooooovvveeeee me.  I'm kind of needy that way.  Oh, and this will be my next upgrade in say, about, 10 years.

2.  So sew . . . sewing until my thread runs bare.  I have a great excuse, however, as my sister pinned 'pillowcase nightgowns' on Pinterest and asked me to make some for my precious little nieces.  How could I say no? 

I went to our local Salvation Army thrift store and scored big time with vintage pillowcases and sheets.  See the one second down from the top?  It was a cabbage patch doll bed sheet circa 1983.  My sister is going to f-l-i-p-o-u-t when she sees it, as she was a fan of the flat faced dolls way back when.  I can't wait to give these to Maren (4) and Megan (2) and see them in these sweet gowns.

I used this tutorial to make the pillowcase dresses, then made a couple of changes (elastic casing on the bottom of the pillowcase) to make a shirt for Miss Ellie.

3.  To top off my grateful moments, I will present the best for last.  Ellie and Ben had their piano recital and both had a fabulous performance.  Ben made me giggle when he first started to play and realized he was 'off' on his hand placement.  He shot his hands up to the side of his head, smacked himself, shook it off, and started over.  The audience laughed and Ben continued on as if nothing had happened.  This was his first performance and I couldn't be happier with his dedication to get'r done.  Ellie was perfectly poised and ready to play her piece . . . and she did it perfectly.  What a nice end to a fantastic year of learning piano.

Well, that's all for now.  I am super excited about opening day tomorrow of our local Farmer's Market.  Ellie and I will wake early and hop on over to grab some good parking.  Last year over 20,000 people showed up for the season opener . . . so the early bird gets the worm asparagus.

Be good!


Our Diabetic Warrior said...

You had one FANTABULOUS week!

LOVE the license plate! You should get that made into a car sticker and sell them.lol

The dresses are adorable. We have a sewing machine but don't get around to using it much. My oldest daughter was taking a homeschool sewing class for a couple of years and the teacher helped them with everything. I have NO idea how to read a pattern. Maybe that will be my summer project????

Congratulations to Ellie and Ben on their piano recitals. I love how Ben didn't let his fumble stop him. Way to go Ben!!!!

Here's to another great week!

Joanne said...

Omygosh, those dresses are soooooo stinkin' CUTE! I really wish I knew how to sew. It's on my list!

And I love the new plates... I have personalized ones too: EH2ZED. Can you figure it out?

Anonymous said...

I have been drooling over the pillow case dresses...thinking I'll have my mother help me with a few when we are in GA this summer....way easier to drag her sewing machine out than mine!

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the personalized plate. So need to get me one of those!!!

Wouldn't expect anything less from Ben...such a ham!!

Sarah said...

I <3 Cabbage Patch Kids dolls still!
A while ago my sis found some strawberry shortcake sheets from a value village and got them for me, it was such a fun gift...they made awesome PJ bottoms!
I am sure your nieces will love their gifts.
And booyah to the piano recital, how fun!