
day in the life

Monday, 10/26/09

5:45am - Wake up, drink coffee, check email & Google Reader

6:30am - Empty dishwasher, Make Lunches, set oven to CLEAN, wake up kiddos and get breakfast going

7:00am - Start laundry, gets kids dressed and backpacks filled

7:35am - Take kids to school

7:55am - Switch laundry, get dressed and ready for the day (yes, I drove my kids to school in my p..j.'s, but I don't get out of the car), second cup of coffee with breakfast, pay bills online

9:00am - Go to Aldi for main grocery shopping (spent $94.61), Head to Wal-Mart or items not at Aldi (spent $42.28 including 2 pair of jeans for Ellie) Go to specialty store for birthday present for friend

11:30am - Home to unload & put away groceries, clean out residue from oven, and eat a quick lunch of last night's leftovers while reading Sunday paper. Switch laundry

12:30pm - Prepare five hour stew for dinner, clean up the kitchen and wash the floors

1:15pm - Watch latest episode of Project Runway on the computer. Switch laundry

1:50pm - Divide the school lunch groceries into single serving baggies

2:25pm - Drive to Library to drop off books and pick up 2 on hold.

2:45pm - Pick up Ben & Ellie from school

2:55pm - Empty backpacks, clean-out lunch bags, sort school paperwork, snacks and talk about the day, switch laundry

3:30pm - Sort mail, bills, general big people paperwork. Made 6 servings of Jello, switch laundry, pull refrigerator away from wall and vacuum/wipe floor, mess around on the computer

5:10pm - Dave home with Maddi, put away laundry

5:45pm - Prepare biscuits, finish stew, make gravy. Family sits down for a nice dinner

6:15pm - Clean up dinner with Dave

6:30pm - Bath. All. By. Myself.

7:00pm - Computer to Blog and check email, Google Reader and Facebook

................... intend to get kids in bed, lunches made for tomorrow and lay in bed and read. Night Night!

p.s. - This is an unusually productive day. My power nap on Sunday afternoon provided me with extra energy for today.

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