
celebrating my mom

My mom, Suzanne, with three of her six grandchildren ~ Maddi, Ellie and Ben
September 2010 - 6 months before she died

This is the last photo I took of my mom.  It was on Labor Day weekend when we traveled back to Omaha to visit family.  It was also the last time my children got to spend with their grandmother.  I love how Maddi is smiling and looking over at her.  I can just imagine the conversation preceding the photo.  My mom has the slightest hint of a smirk on her face and her eyes tell me she just said something funny.  It probably went something like this.

Me:  "Are you ready?  Ben stay still while I take a photo."

Mom:  "Is my hair okay? 
Should I leave my glasses on or off. 
Oh I don't like photos taken of me."

Me:  "But Mom, do it for me and the kiddos, okay?"

Mom:  "Oh alright, but I am not going to like it!"

:: cue Maddi looking over and smiling at her ::

Today our family is laying my mother's cremated remains to rest in the same spot her father, mother and brother are buried. 

We will spend the day celebrating her life, swapping stories, and sharing with her grandchildren all the funny and quirky stories of her life. 

Today would have been her 61st birthday. 

I am sure there will be tears, plenty of prayers and a whole lot of smiles. 

While we miss the presence of her on earth, we can fully celebrate her eternal life with the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.

* I am writing this on Thursday evening and setting it to post on Saturday since I will out of town, celebrating the life of my mom.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing the photo and the look into her personality. I hope your day is filled, in the end, with peace.


Our Diabetic Warrior said...

May the Lord lift you and your family up today. Have a wonderful day of celebration! What a reunion we have to look forward to someday!!!!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

What a sweet picture. Praying that you have a peaceful day.

Lora said...

What a great picture.

Wrapping my arms around you tight, just as I am sure the angel looking over you from Heaven is doing.

Valerie said...

Definitely a beautiful photo and memory! I am sure you will be uplifted by all the stories your family will share today.

Joanne said...

What a lovely photo. Sending you HUGS.

Anonymous said...

Sending you lots of love and hugs!
Yesterday was 2 1/2 years for my dad. He did get to see and hold Glynnis in the days after she was born, so I have pictures of him with her...it's something.
I know today will be full of smiles and laughs with just a few tears sprinkled in. Love you!!

NikDuck said...

Wonderful photo and I love how you are celebrating your Mom and remembering her today. Hope your day went great and you are filled with comfort and peace.

Sarah said...

Thank you for sharing this moment with us. I love the photo and the story behind it. ((HUGS))

Amy said...

Hope this was a peaceful day for you, full of more good memories than sadness.

Football and Fried Rice said...

I am so glad that you took this picture!! This is why I ride your case about it ;) I am also glad that you are celebrating her life today!

Hugs to you!

Jessie Bosley said...

I'm flooded with emotions and memories today...the way she laughed, her scent, making us our favorite snacks even if we all wanted different ones, her smirks, and especially her voice. If I could just hear it one more time. Thank you so much for posting this picture, although it made me cry, I am comforted by the contentment on her face. And that even in those last months of anguish, she smiled. Luv you sis

Amy@Diapeepees said...

Every time I see a post about your mother, it is clear how much she meant to you. You have talked about her a lot here...a testament to a good mama. And, you're obviously following in her footsteps. Feeling your love for her!