
good fridays

I have spent a good part of today wondering what I was going to post today.  It is day 8 of my NaBloMoPo, after all, and I have to keep things going.  It wasn't until after I hopped on my Google Reader that I realized it was a Friday . . . . as in GOOD FRIDAYS!!  Wow.  This summer heat is really getting to me.

My little BooBaChoo at 9 months old

1.  My baby girl, Maddi, is off to her first evening babysitting gig tonight.  I still remember MY evening babysitting gigs, so how can a daughter of mine be old enough to be off doing her own?  She is 13 now, and I was a professional kid watcher by her age . . . . . but still.  Since this is a GOOD Friday post and not a BAD Friday post I will say I am happy about her growing up.  But the truth is, I'm not so thrilled she is off being responsible and all. 

Maddi's math curriculum

2.  I took the plunge and inadvertently made our first major homeschooling purchase.  I know, I know . . . it's July and I should be a good teacher/Mama and have not only purchased all materials but have also done a full year's worth of flow charts for lesson plans.  But, since this is a GOOD Friday post and not a BAD Friday post I will give myself a pat on the back for getting started. 

How does one "inadvertently" make a purchase?  EBay of course.  I put a low bid on the curriculum and totally didn't expect to win. I'd say saving $85 is a way good to begin the purchasing, however, I need to watch my trigger finger next time.

3. I am loving being a member of our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Blue Gate Farms.  I squeal with glee every time I open the box to see what fresh goodies are inside.  From left to right:  green onions, basil, patty pan squash, eight ball squash, salad greens, 2 kinds of kohlrabi, bright light swiss chard, green beans and eggs.  Y-U-M.  I love finding new ways to cook and highlight the fresh flavors.

We do have slight problem when we open the box, however.  My lovely kittens jump on the table to steal and eat the veggies.  Since this is a GOOD Friday post and not a BAD Friday post, I will shrug my shoulders at the inconvenience and share with you a funny photo collage of Alice and her green beans.

Enjoy the weekend, my friends!

Be Good!


Anonymous said...

Yeah for the good in all of them! :)

Our Diabetic Warrior said...

The cat pictures are HILARIOUS!!! Our cat is a fruit snob. He'll turn his nose up to vegetables.

Congratulations on your curriculum purchase! I saw Teaching Textbooks at the Cincinnati Ohio Homeschool Convention a couple of months back. Please let me now how you like it. I was on the fence with using it for my daughter. There is so much out there that it makes my head want to pop off and self combust!LOL You are going to make a wonderful teacher!!!! To me, organization is the key to success in homeschooling.

Happy Friday!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Wow! Kudos to you for taking the plunge at all when it comes to homeschooling.

And I've never seen those alien looking vegetables. What do they taste like and how do you prepare them? I think THAT would be a great post.

Unknown said...

I love the fresh produce...us too. We belong to a wonderful CSA and Bridge and Joe even get to harvest at times. We have to drive out to the farm once weekly to pick-up our goodies. It is a nice break from our summer days at the pool and at the parks.

Way to go for the parenting and homeschooling Amy...you are on top of it all.the.time. Your parenting and caring for your children inspire me daily. Thank you for that.

Lora said...

Love baby pics... and I totally want the diet coke she sitting by.