
good fridays

Yippee!  It's Friday and another wonderful week has passed with God's glorious blessings.  Today I mark three non-D moments for which I am grateful.

1.  A very dear friend of our family is undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma.  She was given a newer medication designed to minimize the nauseous side affects that so many chemo drugs produce.  Unfortunately this lovely lady fell into the 'one in a million' category of those who'd tummy simply cannot handle the caustic chemicals.  She couldn't eat, drink or even get out of bed for days following the treatment.  We prayed for relief and for her to be able to have an appetite so she could have the strength to begin the healing process.  I am overjoyed to report the nausea is lifting and she is eating again!!!! 

2.  Maddi and I are hitting the open road with another fabulous mother/daughter duo to attend a Bright Lights conference.  "Training young ladies to be strong for the Lord in their youth, to avoid rebellion during the teen years, to develop godly character, and to shine as bright lights to the world"  I am excited to spend some time with my girl who already shines radiant!

3. Last week I mentioned I purchased my first 'official' curriculum piece for our homeschooling adventure.  This week I am happy to report almost ALL of the curriculum for next year is on its way . . . . the mailman may not love me so much after all these deliveries.  Later in the week I will be placing another tab at the top of the main page listing out curriculum for 2011-2012.

That's all for now!  Enjoy the weekend, folks . . . . I am sure it will fly by!


BakkeChaos said...

Marv would never hate you. He's the best mailman EVER! ;). Is it 3 o'clock yet? The open road is calling for Thelma and Louise!!

Amy@Diapeepees said...

It's so nice that you focus on your daughter at such a key age-- it can be so hard to deal with competing influences...and homeschooling, oh, what will we do with curriculum this year? No idea. Nice organization!

Anonymous said...

So glad your friend is feeling better! It's amazing how chemo can effect some a little or not at all, but can totally wipe out others.
Love that you and Maddi get to have that time together. So important!
I'm sure the mailman will thank you for his new exercise program!! ;)

Holly said...

I wanna go to the Bright Lights conference too! : ) Sounds fun, and I'd love to avoid the Older Girl Wild Child too!! : )
Praying for your friend. Hope she feels better. : ) Holly

NikDuck said...

The conference and Mommy/daughter time sounds wonderful. Delivery of books....VERY exciting! I love books!

Unknown said...

:) I don't think anyone could ever hate you no matter how many tens of pounds of material you ordered Amy. You are simply too "LOVEABLE"!!!

Have a great w/e.

Lora said...

Are you homeschooling all your kiddo's? I bow to your greatness... I think I would kill my lil angels!

Football and Fried Rice said...

Lots to be thankful for! So glad your school books have all been bought! Next up: organizing them :-)