
who-who will win

Owls seem to be all the rage right now, and my little girl squealed with delight at the sight of Stick Me Designs new diabetes clutch bags.

Shannon from over at The New Normal Life first introduced me to the bags when she hosted a giveaway.  Shannon was lucky enough to meet Reckina, the creator of this fabulous D-bag and gave a great review, and included tons of interior photos of the clutch style supply bag.  Hop on over and take a look for more details.

Shannon's giveaway is over (boo-hoo . . . I didn't win) but I was still left thinking about that cute owl bag.  We didn't need another supply bag, but these are like purses . . . you can never have too many!  I hemmed and hawed and eventually decided not to make the purchase.

But then Rekina thought of a super awschum idea called the 10 for 10 hoot giveaway and she posted all about it on her facebook page

I love supporting small businesses and I love even more Rekina's generosity of gifting, donating, or contesting one out. 

So I bought a Hoot bag . . . . . and that means I have one extra Hoot bag to giveaway!!!!!




I will leave this contest open until 12:01 am Tuesday (7/26/11).  Here are MY rules for entering.

~ Leave a complimentary comment on this post and whoever has the nicest thing to say about me will win!

:: ahem ::

No . . . . of course not.  Let's start the rules over:

~ Leave me a comment.  That's it!  Make sure you tell me who you in the body of the comment in case it comes in anonymous.

~ 'Like' Stick Me Designs on Facebook and come back to let me know you did.  If you are already a fan, leave me a comment (separate from the first) to let me know you are already in the cool kids' club.

I will tally the entries old school style on an excel spreadsheet, cut out the names and have Ellie pull the winning entry out of . . . . . well, out of something.  I have some time to figure that one out.

* If you already own a Stick Me Designs product, consider entering anyway and gift this cute bag to someone who could use it!

** If you really want to pay me a compliment in the comment section, your entry will still be valid . . . and you will have done your good deed for the day!

Good Luck!


Joanne said...

Owls are one of Elise's favourite animals... and that bag is just way too cute.

And for the record, I think you are one pretty awesome and completely hilarious D-Mama. And I would say that regardless (not just to win favour... or would I? Mwahahahahaha)

The DL said...

WOW! This bag is SO cute! I don't have a supply bag, and I keep constantly losing my ugly black case it fades into EVERYTHING! Thanks for this great opportunity!

The DL said...

I also just "liked" it on facebook :)


Thank you again!


Anonymous said...

I love you, love you, love you!
And I WILL be making you cookies to put in the pod-pot that will be on its way Saturday.
Oh, and did I mention that I love you?

Anonymous said...

Q: Ah, that's cute.
Me: it's a diabetes bag.
Her: isn't it time we got a new pump bag?

(You can use Random.org to create a number sequence to select your winner.)

Lizzie said...

I would love, love, love one of these bags! I have been eyeing them for quite some time, but as a college student I just can't shell out the extra money on top of the cost of being an uninsured diabetic. It is so time for me to have a better organizational system than a ziplock bag that hold my diabetes and asthma crap that moves from purse to backpack each day. Thanks for sponsoring this great giveaway!!

Lizzie said...

Also, I am already a fan on facebook!

cjb said...

Pick me pick me pick me!! Just wanted to say how much I love reading your blogs. You are one of the few writers who can keep my attention for more than a few minutes. Wow-you must have gone to an ~amazing~ high school where the teachers (esp English teachers) really inspired you! Lucky lady :)
Ha ha-ok, enough of the silliness. Good luck to everyone on here!!
oh-& obviously I won't be keeping it IF I win...my sweet lil niece will get it...

Football and Fried Rice said...

I "get" the owl thing - I mean, how absolutely adorable!! cant wait to see yours in person!

Unknown said...

Oh Amy how gorgeous are thee? Your mane is as shiny as sun glinting off of gold spindels. Your skin is like porcline...your pores, miniscule. Your wit is matched by no other. Your care of your pals is unrivaled...you...oh wait...you said we didn't have to suck-up to get one right.




Lora said...

I am a fan!!!!

Alexis Nicole said...

I'm not entering for me cause I won Shannons :D buuuut I did think a compliment was in order...I heart you lady!!! Need I say more?

If you do happen to pick my #........lol

Julie L said...

Love this and could really use one.
On my way to checking out Stick me designs website. Thanks!
Julie L

Meri said...

I need this bag Amy. I NEED IT!

Aaaaammmmyyyyyy! I need it!



Carol said...

Aaaaaammmmmmyyyyyyy- I'm here! :) Thanks for the encouragement to enter. Did you hear the story how in the last 2 weeks we've lost insulin and the needle clipper TWICE! Time for a new bag- seriously. :)

Cindy said...

Ooo, pick me! Those bags are super-cute!

Cindy said...

Oh, and I'm a fan of Stick Me Designs on FB!

Denise said...

You always crack me up!
Think it is time I win something and that owl bag is too cute!

Denise said...

already a fan on FB

Alexia said...

Hi! I would love love love a HOOT bag! I have been searching for one for a few & these are just so darn cute!! & I already liked the stick me designs Facebook page (: this bag would also make a FANTASTIC birthday present seeing that it's in a few weeks ;) you can find me on twitter @AkaLexia or at arias_alexia@yahoo.com ! Thankss

Kelly said...

Who will win....ME, ME, ME PLEASE! I have yet to start up our blog but have gained so much information, support, a few tears and many laughs just by reading! I want this one all for myself...I heart owls!

Rickina said...

I love reading through all the comments...you guys are totally awesome! Thank you Amy for your willingness to give!

NikDuck said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to have one of these bags! Natalie loves animals, so I'm sure this would have her "hooting" through the house!

NikDuck said...

I already "liked" Stick Me Designs on FB because I'm part of the cool kids club!

Mandie Laforet said...

Rickina and I've been facebook friends since November 2009. I was looking for a stylish retro diabetic supplies bag and in the google search it came up as Stick Me Designs. I've been a fan since I discovered it by accident in November. Good thing for google! For what she does, is simply amazing. She's there making these bags for people who want something to style their illness. Seeing pretty things has actually made me want to test more often from an ugly machine that either tells me "Right now you're feeling great." to a sudden. "Time to eat." or "Time to correct."

Mandie Laforet said...

What I love is that you're giving people the chance to have an opportunity to "test in style" or "show off their illness in style." because having the ugly bulky meter is a hassle. But when you have something with beautiful owls on it why NOT have the ugly bulky meter? At least you'll be stylish with your bag!

Megan said...

These are soooooooooooo cute! I love them! Pick me pick me!

They are so much cuter than the bag I use to carry my supplies - essentially a thrift store bag with lots of compartments that now has a funny smell hehe.

Katherine said...

These bags look super cute! Please count us in!

Katherine (and Ellery)
Lino Lakes, MN

Katherine said...

I've already 'liked' Stick Me on FB!

Katherine (and Ellery)
Lino Lakes, MN

Holly said...

Ooooo...pick me! (although Reyna gave the BeSt compliments!). Haha!
We love the owls!! And Stick Me! : ) Holly

Holly said...

And we AlReaDy like her on FB!! : ) Holly

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Love the bag! Hope we win!

Shannon@ The New Normal Life said...

how cool is this!! I am so glad it is bouncing about the DOC!! She is awesome and so are you!! How wonderful you are doing this give away!! I would love and owl bag but will let someone else win this time since I just bought mine :)

Leigh said...

Darn it!! Reyna took the words right out of my mouth!! But you know I love you girl abs I would love me one of those bags!! It would be awschum for all of our new pod supplies!! So pick MEEEEEE!! ;)

Leigh said...

And I'm already a fan!! Love, Leigh
PS I didn't say my name on the last comment, but it wasn't anonymous... so I just wanted to make sure I wasn't disqualified for my blatant disregard of the rules. ;)