

Have you noticed a trend this summer in the DOC (diabetic online community)?

The theme?  The overall take-away?  What am I talking about?


So much, I declare 2011 as the 'Summer of Bravery'.

My first example is my Giggle Girl, Ellie, and the bravery she displayed today while pressing the 'insert pod' prompt on the Omnipod PDM.

We spend a week with the Omnipod full of saline while continuing her multiple daily injections of insulin.  We go back to the clinic in a week to fill out paperwork and face insurance battles to be approved.  Crossing our fingers we will go 'live' with insulin by the first week in August!!!

This is brave stuff for an 8 year old.

Speaking of brave, here are some really cool and brave things I have read about so far this summer.

Diabetes Camps:

Some T1D kiddos went for the first time, and others went back for another round of fun-fun-fun!  Denise, Misty, Tracy, Lorainne and Diane all wrote beautiful posts about the emotional struggles of sending your child, who has a major medical need, away for overnight camp. 

Reyna is taking it a step further by 'braving it up' and sending her sweet Joe to hockey camp.  While not an overnight camp, it is a full day of pancreatic challenges.

Insulin Pumping:

Beginning a new T1D management regimen is bravery to the nth degree.  Sure technology is great, but changing over to something new and unknown can rattle the best of pseudo-pancreases.  Two sweet Mama's are writing about how their family is adjusting to new technology this summer; Amy and Nicole

Placing her trust in a new company, Hallie wrote about the bravery involved in switching insulin pump companies.


So many T1D families hitting the open road, air and sea!  How encouraging it must be to a new family diagnoses with diabetes to read about how HeidiJoanne, JulesJenni, Candy, Stephanie, Penny, LeighSarah and Holly put on their 'brave' super suits and traveled with style.  From Alaska to Disneyland, T1D families showed this disease who is b-o-s-s.

Gaining Independence:

Taking an interest in more self care and the brave mommies who are letting out the leash include Candy (Sugar making decisions), Pam (Grace trying new pump site) and Jen (showing D who is boss as they explore their city).


As in moving residence.  Home.  Packing and hauling and settling in.  Yep, that is some serious bravery if you ask me.  In true DOC style, however, Joanne and Shannon are handling it with grace. 


Accepting that you child has been diagnosed with a life long disease with no cure is tough.  Worse than tough.  Nikki and Lexi work through their grief and anger by bravely blogging t-h-r-o-u-g-h it ALL. 

Family Changes:

When another member of a T1D family has medical needs of their own, the bravery required by the parents to step it up and cinch the belt back is huge.  Tracy handles Princess's illness with Herculean strength and Laura writes about her sweet Sophie's (Hi Super Squirt!) battle with what might now be Crohn's disease.  Heather received stunning news earlier this spring when her Princess was diagnosed with T1D . . . just like her sister Lovebug.  Having two T1Ds in one house makes for a brave Mama.  I encourage each and every one of you to go and visit these brave Mamas and lift them up in prayer.

Also in need of lifting up is lovely Lora.  Justin was diagnosed with Epilepsy earlier this Spring and Lora writes about how life just goes on.  Brave words from a very brave Mama.


Growing is brave, you ask?  If it means adding a four legged pup (training to be a service dog) to your already busy T1D household then you bet your britches it does!  Heidi writes about the brave fortitude it takes to raise money for their daughter to gain a friend and helper.

A Category all her Own:

Meri.  Or, MMmmmmeeeeerrrrriiiiiii, as I like to call her.  The queen of the DOC because this brave Mama bear tends to 3, count 'em 3 handsome T1D boys.  Meri is brave not just during the summer, but all year round!

I realize this post may look a lot like the monthly Blogger Basal, but it's not.

It's just a partial and incomplete list of the 100's of DOC blogs whose writers bravely document their lives for others to connect, communicate and feel a sense of belonging.

Yep!  The Summer of 2011 has a theme . . . . and it is bravery.
Specifically, the D-Mama blogs; since those are the blogs I stalk read the most.


Lora said...

"Summer of Bravery"... Love it! And way to go Ellie!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!!
Summer of Bravery, indeed!

Woo to the Hoo, Ellie! Pushing the 'start' button is a huge act of bravery!

Holly said...

Oh, Amy, what a wonderful job you did! : ) I'd call it a Blogger Basal!
I'm so excited for Ellie-and I can't believe she can do it herself! Way To Go! : )
You rock, Amy. And take amazing notes!!! ; )

Our Diabetic Warrior said...

Wonderful post Amy! You are a beautiful example of bravery! You tackled an awesome adventure to Alaska traveling by every means of transportation, you're gearing up for your first year of homeschooling, and you're embracing pumping, all within a couple of months. Woohoo! You rock girl!

You are passing your bravery right down to your Ellie. Way to go Ellie! She's very blessed to have you guide her each step of the way!

Thank you so much for your friendship!!!!!

Amy@Diapeepees said...

What a great round-up...and a tummy site! Already! Wow, that's the bravest by far.

Joanne said...

What a cool idea for a post... thanks for the round-up (and the TWO mentions!)

And booya to the tummy site.., your Ellie is one cool chickie.

Stephanie said...

Love, love, LOVE this post, Amy!! You rock. And way to go, Ellie!! That is super exciting and brave. Love our T1D kiddos!

Sarah said...

wow for pushing the button herself for her pod. I can't wait to hear more about your experience.

I think this has been a great summer, I've had less time to blog but have definitely been reading a lot and learning a lot from the DOC!

Alexis Nicole said...

Omg. How cool and amazing! I totally thought this was a blogger basal!

Seriously. Bravery. Love love.

Thank you for including me! Love you :)

Lorraine of "This is Caleb..." said...

Thanks for the mention and good luck with the pumping trials!

Hallie Addington said...

Thanks for the shout out!

You know - I think our lives are full of bravery every day! Thanks for pointing that out!

GOOD LUCK with the pod! I hope you all LOVE it!

Meri said...

Holy Moley! I am so glad I came back to tell you we are age twins! Because if I didn't, I would have missed all this awesomeness! Putting this together was a labor of love!

Love you AaaaammmmyyyYY!