
good fridays

It's Friday!!!!  What a fun name for a day of the week.  Don't you think it just sounds happy?  And happy I am today . . . . so let's get this started.  Three moments for which I am grateful (no type 1 diabetes talk allowed) this week.
Hi Ben!

1.  I am amazed and astounded at the relative 'smallness' of this great big world in which we live.  The photo above is of Ben, our Red Dolphin whale watching tour guide.  I wrote about our fabulous jet boat tour here, and told about what a great time we had in Juneau, Alaska.  Just this last week I log on to Blogger to find this message staring back at me:

What you need to know to understand the complete awschumness of this message is that I have NO IDEA how Ben found my blog!  I never mentioned blogging, did not link directly to the Red Dolphin website nor did I exchange any contact info with Ben, so seeing this comment caused my brain to explode with wonder.  I LOVE connections like these! 

Thanks, Ben, for stopping by and saying hi.  And yes, the rest of our Alaskan vacation was very memorable!

2.  While gearing up and organizing for our first homeschool year to begin, I had an idea about a central 'school supply center' to house many of the items we would be using on a daily basis.  I wanted it to be mobile (so I could put it away) and user friendly.  Well, this week was the time to see my vision come to fruition. 

All our schooling needs (sans paper and books) right at our fingertips.

~ lazy Susan from IKEA = $7

~ 3 sizes of Bell/Kerr canning jars = already had

~ supplies to fill the jars = mix of what we had at home and about $10 spent at the store

~glue gun to adhere the jars to the lazy Susan = already had

~ Total spent = $17!!

And the best part?

It spins and nothing flies off!  Whhheeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

3.  All of our cats/kittens are getting along smashingly.  It was a little tense at first bringing in 2 kittens to our household of 2 adult cats, but after some nose-touching, butt-sniffing and circling around trying to establish dominance they all decided to get along amicably. 

Here is Alice and Piper (old and new) snuggling and bathing each other in a too-small-for-them cat bed.

And in other good Friday news, our kitten Rosy was finally released to come back home after having to go back to the ARL (animal rescue league) for a nasty kitten cold.  Our cRaZy cAt family is complete!!!


What good things happened to YOU this week?


Our Diabetic Warrior said...

LOVE the lazy susan! I cracked up seeing it spin round and round and round......

Your cats are so cute. I laugh when I find my dog and cat together in their "co-ed" bed. Animals must love to smush themselves in spots where they obviously don't fit.LOL

Amy@Diapeepees said...

Oh that lazy susan is just screaming Montessori. Supplies displayed in a beautiful manner and reachable, encouraging creativity. Looks like you're already on the road to success.

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

That's really cool that Ben happened upon the blog. Hey Ben!

Love the school supplies.

Anonymous said...

That supplies-susan is freaking awesome!! Certainly hope you can stop spinning it long enough for the kids to grab what they need!!! ;)
Kitty-cat cuddles are so cute.

Sarah said...

I wish we were closer I have loads of classroom material just waiting to be utilized, I am sure you guys are going to have a blast learning together!
I love when people pop on the blog when you're least expecting it - small world indeed!
And kitties are always cute, wish we had a few myself!

Unknown said...

"Crafty Pants! Crafty Pants! Crafty Pants!" I am chanting and pointing at you! You are amazing...banners for blogs, spinny supplie holders, creative comments. I am NOT worthy!!! xo

Natalie said...

What cute kittie-cats. I had no idea you sported 4 cats. Does that mean you're a crazy cat lady?

Also love your school supplies. Hope homeschooling goes well.

We need to talk soon.

Football and Fried Rice said...

Alice is such a good Mommy!

LOVE the lazy Susan!! Love, love, love! What are you doing with the other one?

Football and Fried Rice said...

And how WEIRD about Ben! Stalker :-)