
Back on the blog wagon

I am ready to hop back on the blog wagon.  You see, when I jumped off last November I intended to be back on after the holiday season.  When I exited, however, I caught my foot on the rail and smacked my head against the wheel.  Once I woke from passing out, I found the wagon had stopped and backed up over me in an attempt to loosen the hold of my shoe.  It worked.  I spent quite awhile in surgery, then recovery, and finally back home to lick my wounds.  Yep . . . I am ready to get back on the blog wagon; and that driver better watch his back.

Because I love a post with lots of pictures, this first post will not disappoint. 

May I present "Where the heck have you been and what in tar-nation have you been doing?" in cartoon drawings (credit to google image search / nataliedee)

To sum up . . . the break was nice but way too long.  I neglected my needs, my space here, and the ability to define myself outside of my roles as wife, mother, teacher, pancreas, and cRaZy cat lady.  As I have said before, it's all about the balance.  I need to find that sweet spot of tension where all is humming along AND I have time for myself.

I miss my blogging friends (Thanks to Denise, Nikki and Joanne for shouting out to me and making sure I hadn't fallen off a cliff.  Sorry to not respond . . . I was still sorting things out.)

I miss writing about my days and happenings.

I miss telling the family to 'leave me alone while I blog'.

I miss me.  I hope this brings me back in the right direction to finding myself . . . cause if I want an AWSCHUM life, 'I' have to be right in the center!!!!!


Amy@Diapeepees said...

Ok, I totally don't get what happened -- even from your very beautiful art -- but whatever, I still love you anyway...good to see you're here...and your christmas card seemed very like you. Amy 2

Lora said...

AMYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. I have been trying to get back in the groove, but its been hard. I even took on a photo challenge for Feb... that I have failed btw. Glad your gonna be around again :)

Joanne said...

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! You're back! I am so excited I just pooped my pants.

Okay, not really. But I am excited!

Our Diabetic Warrior said...


Hellllllloooooo Amy! I missed you! I'm glad that you're finding your way through homeschooling this year. It is definitely time consuming, but sooooo worth it. I totally agree and get that you need to make yourself a priority. You are worth it!

I'm doing the happy dance that you're back!!!!!

Unknown said...


One of the best things about a blog is that it never really goes away. You take a break, slow down, whatever.

And then come back.

Ebb and flow.


sky0138 said...

welcome back! and i am totally crackin up at the pod on the forehead...LOL

Unknown said...

Amen! And welcome back!! You were certainly missed. ;-)

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Yay! Love that you're back, glad you are finding your happy place again and that the happy place includes the blahg.

I been missin you.

Football and Fried Rice said...

You're friend's ae funny! I'm glad your back so I can see their comments :-)

I like saying leave me alone so I can blog to keep YOUR memories :-)

Jules said...

Yay! Good to hear from you, Amy. I was just saying to Andrew this morning that I was going to write to you to see if all was OK. And then I get on line and there you are. Love the cartoon update. Just loved it. xxx Hugs and love.

Anonymous said...

Woo to the Hoo!!! L.O.V.E that you are back on the wagon, my friend!!

And love the new picture...so need to transport myself there for a while!

Tracy1918 said...

So glad you're back!!