In order to keep my time involved in the 'not necessary' zone, I have set up all of my favorite blogs in a Reader. Google Reader to be exact. Just one of many programs designed to make keeping up with the sites you visit easier. Let's look at an example of how I used to read my favorite blogs.
- Click on my 'bookmark' folder tab, scroll down to the first blog on the list, load the page and check to see if there was a new entry. Click on my 'bookmark' folder, scroll down to the next blog on the list, load the page and check to see if there was a new entry. Rinse, lather and repeat until I reached the last blog.
- Click on my 'Google Reader" tab and see a list of the blogs who have an update. Click on the title and read the newest entry. Let's do it again! Click on my 'Google Reader" tab and see a list of the blogs who have an update. Click on the title and read the newest entry.
When visiting a particular blog, say ME, look around the site for a button or box that

:: clears throat; steps down from lectern. Five minute recess, y'all ::
Of the 48 blogs I follow religiously, I wanted to share a couple with you. These particular blogs and their writers leave me laughing, crying, raging, sympathizing and jaw-dropping awing. Maybe they will for you, too.
- 6 year med is the story of a med student turned resident who chronicles her experiences in the medical community. Funny and heart-wrenching reads.
- Fat Cyclist is all about cycling (duh) and the personal struggle one man went through while dealing with a spouse who fought cancer. The Lance Armstrong 'Livestrong' campaign is benefiting big time from this man's fight.
- One Pretty Thing is a multiple times a day dose of all things crafty. Most of my project ideas either come directly or are inspired by the ideas found on this website.
- Stillman Says says it best in his title description "an experiment with two chairs, one table and a sign that reads "creative approaches to what you have been thinking about" and "pay what you like or take what you need"...and other things? Fascinating stuff here, folks.
- And finally, Blair from Wise Craft has held a special place in my reader from the beginning. Simply stated ......... she just inspires me.
OK will set up the update blog thingie right now! Btw, I always read AMALAH - which I got from your blog a couple years back!! :0)
Amalah is a daily favorite. If you like her site, you should also check out Good luck with the reader! Call me if you have trouble ..... not that you would ..... maybe I did and just want to help someone else out?!
OK one Q on the reader (which I am finding to be handy!!). Can you put a private blog on it? I tried to put on the Fat Girls' Blog and it would not let me?? Oh - and will something show up in google reader if there is a new comment??
p.s. I have seen you tooling around town in your fixed-up van, I just wave too late!!
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