
dblog day

As defined by creator Gina Capone, D-blog Day was started on November 9th 2005 during Diabetes Awareness Month, to help unite diabetes bloggers and create awareness about diabetes.

This year’s topic is: 6 things you want people to know about diabetes.

I have read ay least a dozen blog posts today with some incredible words of wisdom about diabetes.  Thank you to Gina for such a great idea, and for all the participating members who are spreading the knowledge.

Since Ellie was just diagnosed with T1 diabetes 6 weeks ago, I thought I would share with you '6 things....' from some folks who actually know what they are talking about ;). 

1.  From Wendy about her daughter 'Sugar':
  • Just because Sugar "looks ok", doesn't mean she is. When a child with a seizure disorder has a seizure or a child with asthma has an asthma attack, you know they need help, because there is an outward display of symptoms. When a child with diabetes has a low or high blood sugar, you may not be able to tell just by looking at them. For this reason, it is necessary to check blood sugars every 2 - 3 hours around the clock, every day. If left untreated, both low and high blood sugars can lead to seizures, coma, and death.

2.  From Joanne about her daughter Elise:
  • There are only two things my daughter cannot eat; poison, and cookies... made with poisonElise and others with Type 1 can eat anything you or I can eat. We just have to make sure we give her the proper amount of insulin to cover that food. Unfortunately, there are some foods (pizza, ice cream, mac & cheese - you know, all the kid favourite foods) that wreak total havoc on her blood sugar, but we think it's more important to let Elise be a kid first, and a kid with diabetes second. We are striving to teach Elise how to make good choices when it comes to food, and that almost everything is okay in moderation.

3.  From Reyna about her son Joe:

  • What I want you to know is that Type 1 Diabetes changed me. It took from me an innocence that my family was "untouchable". It took from me my confidence in the "health" and "well being" of my children, of my family. It robbed me, for a couple of years, of the "spark" that is part of the core of my personality...It has left a permanent impression on my mind, in my heart, and imprinted on my soul.
(This statement by Reyna is how I feel.  Somehow she came and stole my thoughts right out of my brain.  Except for the 'couple of years'. )

4.  From Kerri, A woman living with T1 Diabetes:
  • No diabetes is the same. Even within a community of diabetics, there are still widely varying ways of treating diabetes and even more ways of dealing with the emotional aspects. There's no winning combination and no "right" way to deal with this disease. Being on a pump means you use a pump to infuse your insulin - this doesn't necessarily mean you are taking better care of yourself than the person who opts for injections. Low-carb doesn't work for everyone, and neither do certain medications. Your diabetes may vary (thanks, Bennet), and what works for you may not work for everyone. It's important to remember that this disease doesn't have a predictable path, so there are plenty of "right' ways to handle it.

5.  From Carey, who writes for the dLife Blogabetes:

  • People should know that type 1 diabetes is one ruthless, unreasonable and shifty mofo of a disease. It is not, I repeat, it is not as simple as just eating healthy foods and getting a bit of exercise. It is exhausting to manage. At the very moment you think you’ve figured things out, it likes to show you in devastating fashion that you haven’t. It constantly keeps you off balance. It’s like logrolling. Blindfolded. On three-hour’s sleep. On the ferocious whitewater rapids of Snake River. In a hail storm. While trying to figure out IKEA furniture instructions. On a unicycle. With a flat tire. While your 5-year-old tugs on your leg, saying “I did a pee-pee in my pants.” Which you think is unusual since he never does a pee-pee in his pants anymore. So you start to wonder. And wonder some more. And you test his blood sugar, praying you don’t have a second child with diabetes.

6.  From Merri, a wonder-woman DMom of 3 T1 boys:
  • And lastly, comments to my child about your great uncle losing his foot to Type 2 diabetes, are not OK.
By this time next year, you can bet your booty I will have a list a mile long!


Unknown said...

WOOT! Thanks for the shout out Amy. The other FIVE are some great points from some fabulous D Peeps.

You'll get your "spark" back ... it just takes time for it re-ignite. I'll be hear for you along the way friend.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the link up, my friend! YOU ARE AMAZING! And I'll be anxious to see what makes your list next year. So proud of you for jumping into the DOC....way to educate yourself to master this madness.

YOU WILL OWN THIS MONSTER....I have faith in you!

Kerri. said...

Thanks for the shout out, Amy!! I loved your idea of quoting others to express your six - there have been a lot of posts today that I've wanted to just comment "Yeah, me too!" on. :)

Meri said...

I haven't read Joannes post yet, but I have been laughing for fully 5 minutes after reading that!

Great post friend. I gotta get reading, I missed a lot of these!

Joanne said...

Hi Amy! Thanks for the shout out on your blog... I hope you are finding the "new normal" in your life. Glad to have you along for the ride!

Mind if I add you to my blogroll?

Amy said...

Joanne! I apologize for not referring to you by name, but a quick search on your blog didn't point me in the right direction to knowing your name ;)

YES! Please add me to your blogroll. I am still developing mine and will add yours, as well.

Football and Fried Rice said...

Wow. it is really humbling to imagine living with this disease and trying to educate your family & those you know about it too. I love seeing you get active and take a stance - of course you are willing to fight for Ellie - but you are impacting so many others on this journey.

You go, girl!!