

When you leave your home for an extended period of time, do you ask a neighbor or a friend you trust to keep an eye on things?

Or, if you have pets (like our two kittens) who need someone sweet to come over to feed, water and change the litter box . . . . who do you call?

For us it was a no-brainer.  When we planned for our vacation the family who earned the house sitting duty was the same family who asked us to watch their house while they were gone.

We fed, watered and played with their pup and kept an overall eye on the place for any possible problems.  And, we were nice enough to bring Beanarella over to our house to play . . . . everyday!

Isn't she the prettiest Boston Terrier you have ever seen?!

So . . . . . How do they repay us?

By staging a stay-cation at our house while we were gone.  I'll allow the photos to do most of the explaining: remember . . . they had a key

6 adults, 9 kids and 1 masterful plan to stage a s-t-a-y-c-a-t-i-o-n at OUR home while we were in Alaska!

Raiding OUR fridge, using OUR sink to shave, and playing some tunes on OUR piano!

For the record, the almost smiling gent in the photo refused to go in OUR house on the grounds it was illegal.  Hehehehehehehe ~ this guy has integrity!  As for the others . . . . . weeding OUR garden, napping on OUR couch!

Weeping while watching Anne of Green Gables in OUR living room!

Chillin' out while playing Star Wars on OUR Wii!

Balancing on OUR rug while attempting T'ai Chi! 

Using OUR circular saw, Firing up OUR grill and eating OUR ice cream sandwiches!
(okay, they brought their own)

Playing dead in OUR driveway!  

Cleaning up in OUR shower, driving OUR miniature van and baking yummy cookies in OUR oven! 

Playing poker at OUR kitchen table and smoking OUR cigars!
(okay, they brought their own)

Reading on OUR porch, throwing away non-recyclables in OUR green bin, checking the oil in OUR engine!

And the best for last . . . peeing on OUR fence!

How did we find out about all these shenanigans?  When we arrived home after almost 24 hours of traveling, there was a bag of cookies on the table along with a DVD.

We ate, we laughed and smiled 'till our cheeks hurt at the photo montage set to music (Greenday, time of our lives)

We were assured no animals were harmed nor personal space invaded in the making of this stay-cation. 

It didn't matter.  All I could think about was how awschum my friends are and how blessed I am they are in our lives . . . . and OUR home!

Do you have friends like mine?  If you don't, you must go get yourself some.  N-O-W!

P.S.  After watching the video, Maddi asked who was going to go out of town next . . . . "Because THIS game is ON!"


AjsMommy82 said...

Haha that was great!

Jules said...

That was such fun. Gorgeous dog, fab apron in the cookie pic. Bit unnerved at the actual communal peeing. Is it something everyone does in America? Might delay my flight ...

Lora said...

That is AWESOME!!! I LOVE your neighbors and I SO want to move in your hood. LOVE IT!!!!

Sarah said...

omg that is sooo funny, what great neighbors you have!

Anonymous said...

L.O.V.E it!! I was trying hard not to laugh out loud so I wouldn't be interrupted to explain why I was laughing or to have someone on my lap to see the pictures!! ;)
Those are THE BEST kind of friends!
Can't wait to see the next move!! ;)

Oh, the pot is still on my table! This weekend got way busy somehow! UGH! It will be on its way soon!!!!

Unknown said...

Ah, your friends are LOONS! I.HEART.THEM and there full bladders BIG TIME! You are blessed indeed. It reflects the type of person you are my friend.

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this one? Hey, if anyone wants to come over to my place and weed my sad little garden, they can bring their own cigars. LOL Though we don't have a wii and I don't have Anne of Green Gables. (Though the guys would like Brian's western & war movie collection.)

Stephanie said...

Dude, that is HILARIOUS!! The best kind of friends are the ones that trash your house and leave evidence of all the fun they had. Even on the fence. LOL!!

Jenni at talking hairdryer said...

Those pictures made me laugh out loud! You do have awschum friends!