
homeschool ninja

"Homeschool Ninja"

~ Would you like to add some fun to your homeschool day?

~ Complete your school work while practicing all your ninja skills!

~ Register now for homeschool ninja and you, too, can take:


Ninja Literature 101


Ninja Bible Scripture / Handwriting 101

Ninja Music - Classical Piano 101

Ninja Math (cat included) 101

Ninja PE 101

Coming Soon:
Ninja Spelling 101
Ninja Art 101
Ninja History 101
Ninja Home Ec 101
Ninja Foreign Language 101


Our Diabetic Warrior said...

This is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to see ninja homeschool mom!LOL

Mrs. Tuna said...

No hat head?

Amy said...

Nikki . . . If I participated in ninja homeschool, the pictorial would include 'Ninja ER 101'. ;)

Mrs. Tuna . . . He woke up and put the outfit on, and kept it on most of the day. I guess ninjas don't worry so much about hat head ;)

Jamie said...

I think my boys would like to do school at your house more than mine...

Joanne said...

Can I come to your school? Pretty please?

Anonymous said...

Knock it off!! You are having WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!!!!

Unknown said...

I wanna attend your school too...but I think you could use a "Wonderwoman" costume.

Sarah said...

ohh, do you have room for one little fiesty Kinder boy who may need to join ASAP?!