
good friday

Hhhhhheeeeeelllllllooooooooo Friday!  So happy to see your bright and shiny face.  Time to talk about three great things/moments of the past week for which I am ever so grateful.  No T1D talk allowed.

1.  Last Friday my belief in the good of mankind was strengthened.  A couple of days prior, I accidentally left my cash envelope ($80) at a local store.  I didn't realize this until a few hours had passed, so by the time I called the money was gone.  I left my name and number in case someone turned it in, then went and pouted for a bit.  Just when I was wishing the recipient of my loss well, Friday morning rolled around and I got a call.  They found my envelope . . . . still filled with my cash!!!!  WooHoo!!!!!!

As if this incident were not enough to strengthen my faith in goodness, another act of kindness occurred.  Ellie realized she left behind her itouch at the hospital where we have her Endo ::ahem:: medical appointments. We called and left a message with the nurse to take a look around . . . but she could not locate it.  This morning Dave logged on to his email and found a message from the security department of the hospital.  An itouch was found in an elevator and turned into security.  The officer looked at the itouch and opened up the email.  He discovered a contact for 'Dad' and sent a message reporting his find.  Wow.  I'm tempted to say "Only in Iowa" . . . but I want to believe this could happen anywhere.

2.  During some unexpected time alone, I found myself browsing the racks at one of my favorite places . . . Goodwill.  Two sacks of jeans, pants and dress shirts for under $25.  My children are still young (and gullible) enough for me to hand the items over and boast about how we are being 'eco-friendly' by purchasing recycled clothing.  Hey, a good deal is worth making up a fashionable story.

While still riding a high of a good buy, I came home to find the fabric I had ordered had been delivered.  The purple geometric print will be used for a 'pillow mat' I will be sewing for my niece's birthday.  The 2 fabrics on the rolls are a laminated cotton I will be using to make more 'cash envelopes'.  I will be sure to share photos when the projects are complete.

3.  The third grateful moment of the week has something to do with the cute cowgirl in the photo.  I took her to Hawkeye Tack & Western Wear after her Endo ::ahem:: medical appointment Wednesday.  It was a surprise stop for her, and oh how I wish I had a camera to capture her mile-wide smile as we entered the parking lot.  She can't wait to try them out and muddy them up tonight at her horse riding lesson.  YeeHaw!!!

Have a great weekend!


Unknown said...

Ok, it's totally time to put the cash envelopes into practice at our house. Do tell -- where do you like to order your fabric from??

Amy@Diapeepees said...

So happy to hear about all the losts becoming founds. That really is amazing. You hope school children today still learn about good old lost and founds...
And I'm jealous of your sewing abilities...one of these days I'm going to learn myself.

Carma said...

I already know that she is going to sleep in those boots if you let her. LOL
I really like the fabrics, too.

Kristin said...

Nice to end the week with faith in mankind renewed! (Maybe I need to stop reading the newspaper on Fridays...)

Anonymous said...

WooHoos all around!! :)