
Happy Birthday Bells

In the wee hours of Saturday, June 8, 2002 I awoke to a gush and a smile. A quick drive to the hospital and a short (& very painful) labor resulted in your first birthday welcoming at 6:17am. Just as your sister before you and your brother after, you took a small piece of my heart and buried it in yours. I will forever walk around missing a beat here and there and think of you. My dear Ellie Bellie, my giggle girl, my snuggle buggle, my love.

When you arrived you were content to just "be".

At one you were drinking in the details of the ways of the world.

At two your personality burst forth and your presence was forever known.

At three I couldn't hold you back from your many explorations.

At four your giggles erupted and haven't stopped since.

At five you discovered your independence and your love for learning.

At six your feet were firmly planted in compassion.

Today at seven years old you are a young lady who makes her mother proud.

1 comment:

wayout said...

She has grown into such a beautiful young girl. It has happened so fast. I can't wait to see what the future beholds for her. xoxo love you all