
crafty playdate

We know a wonderful family who happens to have three kids like us, but with 2 boys and 1 girl. We decided to have a play date today with me hosting the girls and the boys all at their house. Realizing a crafty opportunity when one drops in my lap, I was quick to plan out the entire day for me, um ....... I mean the girls.

First we rode our bikes to Hancock Fabrics. The girls were instructed to pick out 2 fabrics, a coordinating zipper and some funky trim. The funniest part was listening to the girls comment on how 'cute' the fabric was or picking out something they thought the other girl would like. Lots of giggles, jumping up and down at an 'adorable' find, and matching up colors 'just so.' I can only imagine what a trip to the mall will be like in a couple of years. I'd better stock up on some earplugs and alcohol. For me, of course.

I had seen THIS pencil case tutorial on the web a couple of weeks ago and knew right away it was going to be the project for this play date. School is starting back up in a couple of weeks and what better thing to make than a unique little bag for their supplies.

After a quick stop at Subway for lunch, we made it home and started right in. Yes, I let go of my anal retentiveness for a day and allowed the girls to use my rotary cutter, ::gasp:: my really expensive iron, ::yikes:: and my trusty sewing machine. ::faint::

I have to say, each one did a might fine job. It wasn't so bad for me, either, to give up control and allow them make their own mistakes. The end results were that much sweeter.


Just for the record, I do NOT plan out and organize crafts when my kiddos have a play date. This one just seemed right ...... and I needed a sewing fix.


Anonymous said...

CUTE! Now just to clarify, is that FUR on Ellie's? hee hee

Amy said...

Oh, yes. She picked it ALL out. I suggested she hang the tail out of the end of her desk to scare away any boys that might want to pull her braids ...... hehe.

Anonymous said...

Love the fur!!!