
29 gifts for 29 days: day 6

Today presented a difficulty in giving, as it was a huge day of gifts being given to me. Gifts of support, gifts of love, gifts of prayer for me, my spouse and my children, gifts of thanks .......... for 4+ hours straight! The Arise Cry Out event was spectacularly awesome. Yep, those words about sum it up.

I did manage to sneak in a chance to 'give' while at the assembly. The coordinator of the local chapter devoted endless hours of her time and talents in preparation for this day. I am certain she was up early and checking off her to do list while wondering what else she could manage to squeeze in. I volunteered weeks ago to arrive early and assist with the last-minute details, but that was something I 'signed' up to do ...... not a deliberate, intentional gift. So, while my friend was speaking to and answering questions from guests at the end of the day, I swiped the keys from her purse. I quickly gathered all of the signage, leftover goodie bags and set-up supplies and took them out to her car. When I was through cleaning up, I had intentions to take the keys back to her and offer to take her out for lunch. When I found her, she was deep in conversation with one of the last guests, so I made the decision to hand her the keys and wave a quick goodbye. The greatest give I could give her was some much needed alone time to take a deep breath and allow her mind to replay the day ........ without interruption or conversation.


When I arrived home, the kiddos were deep in play and hubby was putting the finishing touches on my birthday cake for tomorrow. Madison asked me to come take a look at her newest stop-motion short film and once I saw it, I knew I was going to share it here. My almost 12yo baby girl is going places, I tell ya!

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