
first day


and 2010

Ben is such a stud muffin.  I know you aren't supposed to say that about your son, but I can because he looks JUST like his dad and I say that about him, too. 

My sweet and snarky Ellie Bell ready and SO excited for 3rd Grade!

My beautiful Mads leaving me for 7th grade.  She and I had a good time together this summer and I will M-I-S-S her.

How does this happen???  They grow soooooo fast

Hello, my name is Amy, and I like taking pictures of my children from behind. 

I am happy Ellie and Ben want to ride the bus this year.  Gives us the chance to 'wake up our bodies' by walking to the stop, 3 blocks away.  It also means I don't have to try and suppress my road rage in the drop-off lanes at school!

last year I wrote a letter to summer vacation.  This year I will write one to my kiddos:

Dear Children of Mine,

     Thank you for not waking at the crack of dawn during summer break.  And, if you did rise early, thank you for foraging in the kitchen until I could drag myself from my comfy nest and make you something more substantial to eat. 

     Thank you for being friends to each other more often than enemies.  I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your imaginary play and docile requests for an equal turn on the computer/Wii/channel remote.  I will not brag and boast about any superior parenting skills; because I know you all did this to help keep the peace and keep Mommy from sending you off to summer camp.  I hope you continue the amicable behavior through the year because I can always throw in a threat for boarding school.

     Thank you for being content with little to no schedule and lots of free time and play.  Many a day we stayed in our p.j.'s and hung out around the house, eating when we were hungry and doing what we felt like vs. running off to a 'camp' or 'practice' or a 'playdate'. Never once did you complain of missing out.  I think we all learned we like each other as much as we love each other and being in each others' company is the bees knees.  While it was fun to go off on adventures, I could read the relief on your faces when we walked in the door, kicked off our flip flops and commenced to laze and lounge. 

     And finally, thank you for coming home after the first day of school, wrapping your arms around me and saying "We missed you, Mom."

::sniff, sniff::  "Yeah, I missed you guys too."

Love, Mom


Football and Fried Rice said...


I miss them. Like Crazy Cakes.

But I sure love my quiet house. And my clean floors. And my full fridge. And empty washer & dryer :)

Unknown said...

I saw your comment on Meri's blog this morning....

Your children are absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful pictures, beautiful life.

I know it feels like things are in a whirlwind. I know it's hard to figure out how to put words together to describe the madness. I know that you look around and everything seems so different now...yet so familiar at the same time.

Keep reading. Keep connecting.

When you're ready, start writing.

I will pray for you on this journey.

Much love from one D Mama's Candy Heart to another.